Flagler County Youth Soccer Association is a non profit, tax exempt organization that has been providing recreational soccer to children from the ages of 4 1/2 to 17 since 1990. Teens are still eligible to participate after age 16, if they are currently enrolled in high school. Each season we do our best to offer your child a fun,safe environment in which to learn fundamentals of the sport. We offer two ten week sessions during the year, fall and spring. Our programs are made up of volunteer coaches, referees receive a small stipend per game.. We encourage quality time for all family members which helps involve the children in life lessons on and off the field, good sportsmanship and a sense of community. Although we are self sufficient, our organization has the support of the Board of County Commissioners, Flagler County Parks and Recreation and local business sponsors right here in Flagler County. During the year we are involved with other community organizations. Financial aid is very limited, PLEASE DO NOT automatically assume your child is eligible. Please call for information, as we MAY NOT have received funding. We will do our best to help if we can. We are in total support of our local Food Bank and contribute during the year. We do supply secondary injury insurance for every participant and registered volunteer, as long as injury occurs at a sanctioned soccer event. In case of injury please make sure that we are advised and proper paperwork is filled out so claims can be handled appropriately.
*** Volunteers are very much appreciated, sometimes we do not say thank you loud enough... All coaches and referees will need to fill out actual forms from the website and have complete background checks in order to work with the children. Wet signatures are needed for processing. We also have a youth referee program for interested children 12 and above...call 447-4004 for details $20 per game and community service hours provided.
General season information: Soccer is played at Wadsworth Park two seasons yearly, spring and fall. Early registration begins generally 6-8weeks after each season ends and is open at a reduced price for six weeks. Registration includes: complete uniform, insurance as noted above, participation award, at season end and ten weeks of soccer each season. At this time, Early registration is $100 per child. Our regular registration fee is $115 per child. Our webmanager now charges a $3.00 transaction fee when you register online or by mail. Any refunds pending any circumstance beyond our control- 30 days prior to season will be processed if due after the season start minus an admin fee of $20, insurance fee and possible debits/merchandise owed to the league or purchased for your child.. Monies generated at our concession and donations go to help offset supplies needed on the fields and help for our financially challenged families. CDC GUIDELINES WILL BE FOLLOWED.